Fatbar® Fitting Instructions
How to fit Renthal® Fatbar® Handlebars
Fitting a set of Renthal® Fatbar® Handlebars is a relatively simple task, that in most cases does not require a change in bar mounts. Before starting this installation ensure the throttle, brake, clutch and any switches are removed. Besure to check out the Fatbar® Fitting video below for a guided step by step of how to fit Renthal® Fatbar® Handlebars
Before Fitting : Review Fatbar Important Safety Information
Time Required : 1hr
Tools Required : Torque Wrench, Hex Keys, Torx Keys, Motorcycle Manual
Step 1 : Remove controls and existing handlebar off motorcycle
Following the manufacturers suggestion remove the existing handlebar and controls off the motorcycle.

Step 2 : Fit Throttle, Brake, Clutch and Switches to the Fatbar®
In reverse order you took the parts of re-fit them to the Fatbar®. At this stage the handlebar control parts do not need to be tightened fully.

Step 3 : Fit Fatbar® into Bar Mount and position to rider setup
Place Fatbar® into the bar mounts and lightly tighten the fasteners. Position the Fatbar to the riders desired position and hold.

Step 4 : Tighten the bar mount fasteners (Do Not Exceed 18Nm)
Whilst holding the Fatbar in position apply the bar mount manufacturers torque to the mounts, remembering to not exceed 18Nm .

Step 5 : Position and tighten the control to riders preference
Move the controls and switches along the handlebar and roll them into the riders preferred position, before tightening to the correct torque

Step 6 : Fit the Renthal® Bar Pad
With the bars setup, simple feed the cover between the mounting section and the brace, slide the foam along the brace and cinch up the velcro. Ensure the Text is facing outwards to complete the Pro look.