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  • Chain Lube

Chain Lube

  • $11.95

  • Ex Tax: $11.95
  • Product Code: L-102
  • Availability: In Stock

This item is currently unavailable for purchase from renthal.com, Contact your local Renthal Stockist for availability

Product Description

Renthal chain lube is 100% lubricant, zero propellant. So this new 250ml bottle size combines high performance and value.

The all-new formula Chain Lube is specially designed to penetrate all parts of the chain. The high film strength and stable viscosity, across a range of temperatures, gives superb adhesion and anti-fling properties.

This all-condition lube is compatible with all o-ring, non o-ring and cycle chains. Our new twist-nozzle allows for accurate application, to ensure full coverage and protection.

Renthal Chain Lube helps increase chain, chainring and sprocket life and maximises power transfer.

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Volume 250ml

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